Easily obtain ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management System certification

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ISO 50001:2018

Energy Management Systems

Rising energy costs and increasing regulatory pressure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are making the need for effective energy management a priority for all organizations.

ISO 50001:2018 is the International Standard for Energy Management. It provides organizations with a recognized framework for understanding significant areas of energy use, integrating energy efficiency into management practices and facilitating continual improvement of energy performance. Prove that your business is managing energy use effectively; that you’re reducing your greenhouse gas emissions; and you’re working to meet environmental targets.

Having your Energy Management System independently certified will demonstrate to your stakeholders your commitment to energy reduction, best practice and sustainability.

What is the Difference between ISO 14001 and ISO 50001?

ISO 50001 can be used in isolation or in conjunction with ISO 14001. Whilst ISO 14001 will help you identify and manage the generic environmental aspects, ISO 50001 offers a very specific focus in the area of energy.

ISO 50001 will help you to implement the processes necessary to understand your baseline energy usage and establish an energy usage and establish an energy policy, action plans, targets and energy performance indicators for reducing energy consumption.

So if energy is a significant cost to your business then ISO 50001 may be an appropriate first step or a valuable addition to your existing environmental management system.

Benefits of implementing ISO 50001:2018:

  • Significantly reduce energy costs through measurement and management of energy consumption.
  • Reinforce good energy management behaviors throughout the business.
  • Promote energy efficiency throughout the supply chain
  • Evaluate and priorities new energy-efficient technologies.
  • Increase your range of new business opportunities and meet contractual obligations
  • Increase stakeholder confidence and enhance reputation
  • Integrate with existing management systems such as ISO 9001 & ISO 14001.

More Specific Benefits:

  • Significant Savings
  • Improve overall performance to cut energy consumption and bills
  • Reduced carbon emissions and meet government reduction targets
  • Mitigate effects of future legislation
  • Open opportunities for energy innovation
  • Measure and monitor energy use to identify where to improve efficiency

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